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That Is Love 3/9/20

Philadelphia-duo Rise Twain released their eponymous debut album last September and today's Track Of The Day is an excerpt from a three song live performance recorded at Chateau Fornance (Brett William Kull's home studio). Both Rise Twain's Kull (producer, audio engineer, and member of Echolyn, Grey Eye Glances, and Francis Dunnery’s New Progressives) and J.D. Beck (The Scenic Route, Beck-Fields, author and playwright), along with Katie Barbato (a songwriter also from Philadelphia), wanted to creatively share their music in an intimate, comfortable setting during the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic. The performance is live, no edits, pure and in the moment. It was shot on smart phones then edited in a creative manner to add context and emotional dynamics. Indeed, the union of their collective years of direct and varied experience in writing, is fully reflected in this video, performing and recording music together for their impressive debut.


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