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Classic Quadrophenia 13 July 2015

"Despite Townshend's brief to in-demand orchestrator Rachel Fuller of "no extra notes" - Fuller (Townshend's other half by the way) was quoted as saying the orchestration was "easy" - testament no doubt to an emotional rollercoaster of a score fitting hand in glove with a classical orchestra. And as soon as conductor Robert Ziegler raised his baton in front of the The Royal Philarmonic Orchestra with 'I Am The Sea' the musical waves drew the audience - Mod or Classical - in as one like an enchanting mermaid. Alfie Boe's voice on 'The Real Me' - although obviously different from Daltrey's - is as powerful as Roger's in his heyday with a physique to match. TRPO's mesmerising performance of the moving title track 'Quadrophenia' contrasted with the adolescent angst of 'Cut My Hair' not only saw the introduction of the snarling Billy Idol but Boe also delivered the stand-out line "My Old Man Is Really Alright".

See our Video Of The Week and read the rest of AJ's Classic Quadrophenia review here.

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